Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Knowledge is Power

We've all heard the cliché saying before and it never meant anything to me. Well at least until recently when my youtube account was hacked by trolls that I originally blocked from communicating with me. 

Long story short, they acquired my full legal name and my location down to the city and state and posted it on the net (scary stuff). If they had access to my email that means that had access to pretty much everything I do online. So I changed all my passwords using an encryption device and opened new bank accounts blah blah blah it goes on and on

I got curious and talked to a tech-weenie friend of mine who really taught me a lot about privacy, hacking, and security online (and a lot of other things that are beyond the scope of this post)

And then the light bulb came on..........BAM!

"Knowledge: acquiring expertise and skill through education and experience = Power: measure of the ability to CONTROL an environment and the behavior entities within." Yes we all know this but do we truly comprehend the potential behind it? Watch “The Book of Eli” maybe that will clarify. Study a few world dictators as well.

In this particular situation, these hackers could acquire my personal info via an electronic connection. When you really think about that and wonder how that's even possible, it kind of blows your mind! Their knowledge has given them the power to control people on the net and do things as crazy as empty their bank accounts.  Knowledge REALLY IS Power

It is no longer a cliché saying to me anymore. I started doing strange stuff such as paying attention in Math class. Weird right?

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